My passion for writing fast and maintainable Python DataFrame code led to the creation of StaticFrame, an immutable alternative to Pandas.
For three years at MIT I implemented the foundations of music21, a leading tool for analyzing and generating symbolic music.
This article demonstrate complete DataFrame type hinting for both static analysis and run-time validation.
This recent article provides a concise demonstration of why immutable data matters for DataFrame performance.
My recent SciPy compares a variety of approaches to optimizing NumPy routines in Python C-extensions.
My 2022 PyCon USA talk describes a novel approach to using Numpy's NPY binary format to encode complete DataFrames, with performance faster than Parquet.
A goal of this work was immersive textures of color and noise. To this day I enjoy the immersive space this work creates.
One of my favorite acoustic compositions, this work explores a variety of rhythmic environments. site v5.1.3. Copyright 1996-2023. Post comments or questions at the flexatone-comments GitHub repository.